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The above graph shows the Emscripten benchmark suite running the latest stable versions of Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox on Windows 8.1. Now that all those optimizations have shipped, it’s interesting to look at up-to-date browser comparisons on asm.js code. Those optimizations also shipped to users in Firefox 29. As blogged about by Luke a few months ago, Firefox performs ahead of time (AOT) compilation and can cache the results, for significant speedups in startup times.

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At the time of that blog post those optimizations were only on nightly builds, but they are now reaching hundreds of millions of Firefox users in Firefox 29, which is now the release version of Firefox.Īnother important set of asm.js optimizations concern startup speed. So, while not quite native speed yet, things are getting very close. We’ve blogged about how Firefox can optimize asm.js code using 32-bit floating point operations, which, together with all the other work on optimizing asm.js, allows it to run at around 1.5x slower than the speed of the same C/C++ when compiled natively.

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asm.js speedupsĪsm.js is a subset of JavaScript that is very easy to optimize and is particularly useful for porting code in C or C++ to the Web. To put that aspect of Firefox’s performance in context, we’ll take a look at benchmark results comparing Firefox to other browsers, which show that Firefox is faster at executing asm.js code. Another area in which this release brings significant improvements is in asm.js performance, which as we will see below is very important for things like games.

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The latest version of Firefox which launched last week includes a major update to the user interface as well as to features like Sync.

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